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Hands on HBG #2

🦄 For the second year in a row, we welcome you to the most inspiring, creative, fun and interactive event this autumn – Hands on HBG! 🦄 Hands on HBG will be an interactive half-day with different stations around the city where you’ll get the opportunity to feel the pulse, experience and get to know the city's innovations as well as interact and build relationships with some of the most inspiring and driven groups and individuals that makes Helsingborg a more creative, vibrant, global and balanced city. During the day you’ll get information about how you can be part of different projects or start your own ones during or after your studies in Helsingborg. We want to show all of Campus Helsingborg’s students what Helsingborg has to offer and how you as a student can make the most of it! We’ll start the event with lunch and dance - a Lunch dance, before we begin the tour through the city and end up at THINK Open Space (Mindpark) where we’ll finish of with mingle. 🐙🐙🐙🐙 Let's meet up on Södergatan 1 on October 31th! Don’t forget to sign up if you’re interested in taking part in the event. It's free of charge but we oly have 50 spots! First come, first served. Sign up here: 🐙🐙🐙🐙 The tour will visit: 🔱 Pixlapiren 🔱 Visionsfonden 🔱 THINK Open Space 🔱 THINK Accelerate 🔱 VentureLab 🔱 Campus Vänner Organizers 🌈 Visionsfonden 🌈 Visionsfonden is a place where you can look for support and grants if you have big or small ideas for developing the future of Helsingborg. The city has vision for how the Helsingborg should look and act like in 2035. The aim is to make Helsingborg a more creative, vibrant, global, equal and balanced city for inhabitants, businesses and the nonprofit sector. What’s the next step for Helsingborg? We need you! 💎 Näringsliv- och destinationsutveckling, Helsingborg stad 💎 We work with making sure that Helsingborg is the natural choice for people and companies that want to develop, visit and locate in the region. Our mission is to create the best possible conditions and a great business climate for both current local businesses and those that are interested in relocating here. It is also an important target to be an attractive city for talents by supporting Lund University Campus Helsingborg, other forms of higher education and the local student life. ______________________________________________________ If you have any questions regarding the event contact: Alexandra Hvalgren - Emelie Esberg -


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